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Prebuilt Toolchain for armv6l/armv7l/Raspberry Pi

I would like to know if there’s a process of getting addition CPU architectures into the prebuilt toolchains. The WIndows, MacOS, and Linux 64 bit toolchains are great, but I was hoping to be able grab one for running on a Raspberry Pi 2/3. The current version available via the Raspbian packages repo is a bit old.

Does anyone have a pointer to prebuilt versions (both current and older would be nice) for armv6l/armv7l/Raspberry Pi hosts?

  • I have Puppy-Linux on RPi3.

    Now I wanted to start with STM8 and have all the hardware but

    miss a SDCC (Small Device Cross Compiler) and 

    the STMflash for STlinkv2 and only find sources for both that I'm incapable to compile on a RPi3.

     (GCC on linaro is far too big)

    Has anybody just compiled that for ARMv6 or does someone know where to get them as binaries?

  • I have Puppy-Linux on RPi3.

    Now I wanted to start with STM8 and have all the hardware but

    miss a SDCC (Small Device Cross Compiler) and 

    the STMflash for STlinkv2 and only find sources for both that I'm incapable to compile on a RPi3.

     (GCC on linaro is far too big)

    Has anybody just compiled that for ARMv6 or does someone know where to get them as binaries?

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