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Loading soc_system Peripheral Register descriptions into DS-5 ?

I have just before Christmas purchased a DE0-Nano-SoC, which seems very versatile
and I would like to look at and debug the custom peripheral registers using DS-5 Community Edition 27.1

I am starting from example code 
DE0-Nano-SoC_v.1.1.0_HWrevB0_revC0_SystemCD\Demonstrations\ SoC_FPGA\my_first_hps-fpga 
(and have created a version with 3 PIOs plus my own firmware I developed on a Cyclone II FPGA)
I am currently just trying to look at the registers in "my_first_hps-fpga",
and viewing the videos with the DE0-NaNO-SoC (repeatedly) I am beginning to understand DS-5 ... but .....

I have a problem with viewing the Peripheral Registers
in that in the videos it suggests in Debug Configuration => Files
that I need to supply a DIRECTORY where the soc_system register description can be found.
However the DS-5 Community Edition 27.1 code is asking for a FILE.
suggests I should find it in "synthesis", but I have tried all the files there and typically get the following error messages :

add-symbol-file"D:\home\jbww\Design\Altera\Quartus_Designs_Cy clone_V_DE0_Nano_SoC\Example_01_SoC+FPGA_LEDs\soc_ system\synthesis\soc_system.qip"
! Failed to loadsymbols for "soc_system.qip"
! Unable to detectimage type of file"D:\home\jbww\Design\Altera\Quartus_Designs_Cy clone_V_DE0_Nano_SoC\Example_01_SoC+FPGA_LEDs\soc_ system\synthesis\soc_system.qip"

So my question is, what file / file suffix am I looking for ?

Dr. Beau Webber

  • Hi Dr. Webber, 

    The add-symbol-file command is used to load the debug symbols. Did you by accident select the "Load symbols from file" option in the Debug Configuration => Files pane? The second entry in the drop down list is "Add peripheral description files from directory".

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Dr. Webber, 

    The add-symbol-file command is used to load the debug symbols. Did you by accident select the "Load symbols from file" option in the Debug Configuration => Files pane? The second entry in the drop down list is "Add peripheral description files from directory".

    Hope this helps,

