What is the meaning of below BST Code :-
BST "DAP_READ_AP AXI0 0x00 0x30806012"
BST "DAP_READ_AP AXI0 0xfc 0x04770004 0xf0000000"
In order to answer this you need to look at the 'DAP Macro Language Guide' which is supplied with the product that you are using.
However, the document is confidential and so we cannot discuss its' contents on a public forum such as this.
If you have access to ARM confidential information such as this then you and your company are likely to have a support contract with ARM in place.
So I would suggest that you contact ARM Support at : support[at]arm.com with your query and use your corporate e-mail to do so.
Alternative, raise your query via the on-line self-service portal at https://developer.arm.com/support and click on the 'Open Case' button.
Then ARM's Technical Support team will be happy to help.