To execute my test non regression suite, I have some script that lauch eclipse from a batch file run my testcase in semi hosting mode.
So output of the printf are stored in a file associated with the semi hosting server. with the following commands:
set semihosting file-base .set semihosting stdout uart_scu.logset semihosting stderr uart_scu.logset semihosting enabled on
It is ok but for some tests It is introducing some instability, so I want to disable semi hosting. so I can use my script files to control external uart (putty,teraterm,..) but since I also use the UART in DS5 with the Terminal module, I wonder if this terminal is controllable with some ds command? or eventually some jython APIs ? This way Icould have the equivalent of my uart log files
thanks and regards
Ok thanks for the answer Tony.
I will give a try.