I want to launch the debugger from the dos command line:
I first follow the steps as described in the debugger user guide, chapter 8.
I entered something like that
debugger --cdb-root I:\try_env\flow\imx8qm\configdb_extension --cdb-entry "NXP::IMX8QM_SCU::Bare Metal Debug::Bare Metal Debug::Cortex-M4::DSTREAM" --cdb-entry-param "Connection=TCP:"
I had the error message:
ERROR(TAD290-DTS77-DTS77-NAL57):! Failed to connect to platform I:\try_env\flow\imx8qm\configdb_extension\Boards\NXP\IMX8QM_SCU\IMX8DV_SCU.rcf! Unable to connect to! Unable to connect to! Unsupported connection type
So I put the config db in the ds5 install dir (under sw\debugger\configdb) to see if issue comes from the extra DB.
But I got same error
So few questions:
1)The -cdb-entry string is not easy to guess , maybe error come from here: Sounds we have to guess the value
2) the TCP address is ok, I am able to connect from the DS5 GUI, but shouls I use address instead of conenction? in that case I need to use a Port? what is the default value?
3) the browse option return nothing
4) Using others configuration leads to same issue.
I am using a beta version of DS5 (v5.25.99) under windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Claude,
DSTREAM-ST is only support from the 5.27 release onwards. When using 5.26, it wont have the DSTREAM-ST support files (dstream_st_activity_description_bm.xml) included in the 5.26 configdb.
Please try DS-5 5.27, which is available for download from https://developer.arm.com/products/software-development-tools/ds-5-development-studio/downloads
Regards Tony