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DS-5 for Linux with graphics artifact, is it the tool, Linux, or the graphics driver?


I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Intel Sky Lake Integrated Graphics driver i915_bpo, and DS-5 v5.26.2. Previously I was able to use Eclipse for code editing without much problem, but with DS-5's Eclipse, the graphics artifacts are so frequent when I scroll up and down codes, that makes the tool totally unusable. Is there any suggestion on what should I look for and how to fix it?


  • Hi,

    Would you please provide following inforamtion with us?
    1. Is your Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is 32-bit or 64-bit?
    2. What's your desktop screen resolution?
    Would you please try to lower the resolution to see any improvement?
    3. What's the eclipse version you were using previous before DS-5's Eclipse?
  • Hi,

    Would you please provide following inforamtion with us?
    1. Is your Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is 32-bit or 64-bit?
    2. What's your desktop screen resolution?
    Would you please try to lower the resolution to see any improvement?
    3. What's the eclipse version you were using previous before DS-5's Eclipse?
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