Hello, I'm trying to build gator module.
I'm using Hardkernel Odroid-XU4 with Ubuntu 16.04 mate. To build gator module I refer to the sites below.
- http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:xu3_building_kernel
- https://github.com/ARM-software/gator
Also I have same problem with other discussion(https://community.arm.com/tools/f/discussions/4491/why-can-t-i-capture-cortex-a7-a15-counters-on-exynos-5-using-arm-streamline/18188).
When I enable all the settings of github and build, it will be build normally. And build gator daemon also build normally.
But when I connect with DS-5 Streamline, there is mali hardware counter error and ioctl error.
So I check to kernel menuconfig (.config file) and I found Mali Hardware Support in Gator options.
Then I enable that option and set driver location also. But I try to rebuild, there is error like below.
How can I fix this problem? Please help.
It looks like you are trying to build gator.ko in tree. In this case you will manually need to modify drivers/gator/mali_midgard.mk:
You must remove the line "ifneq ($(wildcard $(DDK_DIR)/$(CONFIG_GATOR_MALI_MIDGARD_PATH)/mali_kbase_gator_api.h),)" and then everything else from matching "else" to "endif" so that you are left with just the block with the comment "#r5p0/Fluorine - ..."
The problem stems from the way CONFIG_GATOR_MALI_MIDGARD_PATH is escaped when gator.ko is built in tree.