I want to run fromelf utility automatically once build procedure terminated (to see disassembly code).
Is it possible ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi! Pavel-san,
You dont need to use "cmd" to call fromelf.You simply call fromelf directly "Command" area. For example: fromelf -c ${workspace_loc}\hello\Debug\hello.axf -o ${workspace_loc}\hello\Debug\hello.asmPlease refer about options for fromelf at:http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0477m/pge1362128884798.html
Best Regards,Toshiko
Hi Toshiko.
It works. Thanks !
It works perfectly for .axf file, whereas for .o it doesn't.
For example, if project contains multiple source files (e.g. source1.c, source2.c, source3.c), does exist some format of fromelf command that would generate source1.asm, source2.asm, source3.asm ?
Best Regards