Recently I have started using ARM DS-5 . Compiling a C code using DS-5 - with the ARM Compiler 5.06 built in DS5.
I have code which uses pthreads, and the build is failing when i have
#include <pthread.h>
Error : Cannot open source input file pthread.h - No such file or directory.
I have added the necessary include folder from the DS5 ARM compiler installation to Include paths
Also have given the linker option to link with lpthread
My DS5 project Compiler options for armcc look like
--cpu=Cortex-A8 --littleend --arm -I"C:\inc"
-J"C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5 v5.23.1\sw\ARMCompiler5.06u1\include"
-J"C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5 v5.23.1\sw\ARMCompiler5.06u1\include\arm_linux"
-J"C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5 v5.23.1\sw\ARMCompiler5.06u1\include\rw"
--c99 --gnu -O0 -g --asm --interleave
My DS5 project Linker options for armlink looks like
--library=pthread --library=m
--libpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5 v5.23.1\sw\ARMCompiler5.06u1\lib\armlib\arm_linux"
--libpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\DS-5 v5.23.1\sw\ARMCompiler5.06u1\lib\armlib"
How do i resolve this error ?
Where is the file pthread.h to be found for arm compiler build setup?
Any pointers to resolve this would be helpful
Hi ajitsdeshpande and welcome to the Connected Community!
I have moved your question to Software Development Tools where I think you will get your answer.