Hi All,
I have DS-5 professional edition license and Fast Models License for Cortex R7.
I have generated AXF file using DS-5 compiler 5.
Using model_shell.exe, I have started the fast model debugger using the following command:
model_shell.exe -m C:\Win64-Release-VC2008\cadi_system_Win64-Release-VC2008.dll --cadi-server --quiet --no-ctrl-c --no-ctrl-c
After that I have used debugger for connecting to the above model and was trying to run/execute the Cortex R7 AXF using command script:
debugger --cdb-entry "ARM FVP::VE_Cortex_R7x1::Bare Metal Debug::Bare Metal Debug::Debug Cortex-R7" --script='LVVE_Fs16000_MIPS_MAX_NVON_Handset.ds'
Details of LVVE_Fs16000_MIPS_MAX_NVON_Handset.ds is:
With the above, I was able to run/execute some times and some times it gives the following error:
WARNING(CMD579): Target is already running
How to resolve the above issue?
Hi sridharartham
I've moved your question to Software Development Tools where I think you'll get your answer.