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help me, streamline for odroid xu3 (linux)

when open the DS tool to profile linux target and search linux target ( in same ethernet)

it is normal i can see the target i have, and select , install

but progress of  configuring target ... pop up ( swtich gatord to user space?) and click yes

then progress compeleting 75%... and stop, could you help  me out?

when the work stopped , gatord process of odroid is automatically "done"

  • So the progress bar for target setup gets stuck at 75% and never advances? Do you see any errors in the Eclipse Error log?

    The easiest workaround would be to install gatord manually on the target. Depending on what version of DS-5 you have, the prebuilt gatord may be in different places, but you can either find that one or build it from source.

    If you're getting the popup for switching to user space, you may already have gatord installed, is that gatord up to date?

  • So the progress bar for target setup gets stuck at 75% and never advances? Do you see any errors in the Eclipse Error log?

    The easiest workaround would be to install gatord manually on the target. Depending on what version of DS-5 you have, the prebuilt gatord may be in different places, but you can either find that one or build it from source.

    If you're getting the popup for switching to user space, you may already have gatord installed, is that gatord up to date?
