I'm trying to use DS-5 (version v5.22.0) GUI software to view snapshots. I suspect the documentation needed to do so is missing I use the Snapshot Viewer capability of DS-5 to connect to the snapshot.ini file. When I try to connect to the snapshot.ini file, I get an error "missing required section [snapshot]". In addition to the documented sections of a .ini file ( [global], [core], [dump], [regs] ), I needed to include an undocumented section ( [snapshot] ). Once i added that section, I got past the initial error but I got other errors indicating I needed further undocumented sections. What I'm thinking is there should be an update to the docs. The update will probably list further sections that must be provided in the .ini file. Does anyone know where the new docs are, or have an example file showing the new sections? Thanks in advance
Thanks very much. I am in the process of working to access that library zip so I can check out the examples. So far it looks like I have to look in the Linux tar file for it.
It's not a sure bet that the "ini" file format (highlighted in the library zip) will actually pertain to the DS-5 debugger.exe tool. I've been told once recently (through ARM FAE) that there are two different 'snapshot.ini" file formats, and that they pertain to different tools. I'm trying to fashion an 'ini' file pertinent to the DS- debugger.exe tool. If this new 'ini' format (documented by library zip) can only be used with a different tool (like the DS-5 GUI or another tool) then I'll jump ship and fashion an 'ini' file for THAT tool. I'll update this thread when I get the time to puzzle it out. I suspect that your comment will keep me well busy for now and I will update this thread once I try things out. It's a good lead thank you very much.