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ADS2023+Dstream-ST restore the bin file, an error occurs: ERROR (ITR205-TAD11-NAL33)

Hello Folks,

As mentioned in the title, my environment and hardware are normal, because when the size of the downloaded fip.bin file is small (for example, within 100KB), the download is successful, but when the fip.bin file is large (for example, 146KB), the following error message will be reported. mistake. Disconnect ads and try again and still get an error.

Is this a bug in the ads software? I used jlink to download the same bin, and the download, verification, and operation were all normal. Once again, it proved to be a bug in ads or a misconfiguration somewhere?

download 146KB bin file:ads 2023.0 report error

download 101KB bin file:everything is normal

Software version: