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Breakpoint issue on semihosted hardware


In debug I set the breakpoint and enabled them but when I press "F5" or "F8" the debugger didn't stop.

And whether I use step by instruction or step by source code it always started at assiambling code.

Do you guys know how to fix that?



  • Hi

    My name is Stephen and I work at Arm.

    I see from another thread that you are using Cyclone V hardware.  Sorry, I'm not familiar with that board.  You may get a better answer if you post your query to the Intel or Rocketboard forums.

    One reason why the debugger might not stop at a breakpoint is if the breakpoint has been overwritten.  Breakpoints can either be hardware breakpoints or software breakpoints.  A software breakpoint can be accidentally overwritten if code or data is moved on top of it at run-time.  Try setting a hardware breakpoint (at an absolute address) instead.  Another reason might be the MMU gets enabled and the memory map changes before the breakpoint is reached.  You may need to load the debug symbols with "add-symbol-file" and an address offset for pre-MMU debug.

    Sorry, I didn't understand your second question "And whether I use step by instruction or step by source code it always started at assembling code."  Please could you explain the question in a different way?


  • Hi

    My name is Stephen and I work at Arm.

    I see from another thread that you are using Cyclone V hardware.  Sorry, I'm not familiar with that board.  You may get a better answer if you post your query to the Intel or Rocketboard forums.

    One reason why the debugger might not stop at a breakpoint is if the breakpoint has been overwritten.  Breakpoints can either be hardware breakpoints or software breakpoints.  A software breakpoint can be accidentally overwritten if code or data is moved on top of it at run-time.  Try setting a hardware breakpoint (at an absolute address) instead.  Another reason might be the MMU gets enabled and the memory map changes before the breakpoint is reached.  You may need to load the debug symbols with "add-symbol-file" and an address offset for pre-MMU debug.

    Sorry, I didn't understand your second question "And whether I use step by instruction or step by source code it always started at assembling code."  Please could you explain the question in a different way?


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