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Cannot run Debug model

I am running arm53 debug model on my Ubuntu 20.04. I have a Software Success Kit license. Previously I was able to run the model on my ubuntu, with a similar license( the old one just expired and I generated a new one)

I get this error:

In target console:

Iris server started listening to port 7100
terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003

Error: license error: License checkout for feature ds_suite_eval with version 0.0202206 has been denied by FlexDynamic back-end. Error code: -5
No such feature exists.
Feature:       ds_suite_eval
License path:  /home/mariag/.arm/ds/licenses/*.lic:8224@california:/opt/arm/licenses/license.dat:
FlexNet Licensing error:-5,147
In file: /tmp/plgbuild/abs_build/1153836_60931/trunk/work/fastsim/Framework/scx/SCXSimulationEngine.cpp:3271

Error: license error: Simulation Engine module unavailable!
In file: /tmp/plgbuild/abs_build/1153836_60931/trunk/work/fastsim/Framework/scx/SCXSimulationEngine.cpp:2870

Error: license error: License module unavailable!
In file: /tmp/plgbuild/abs_build/1153836_60931/trunk/work/fastsim/Framework/scx/SCXSimulationEngine.cpp:2914

Error: license error: Simulation Engine module unavailable!
In file: /tmp/plgbuild/abs_build/1153836_60931/trunk/work/fastsim/Framework/scx/SCXSimulationEngine.cpp:2870
ERROR: uncaught exception occurred. Exception message follows:
Error: Wrong version of armctmodel. Version 11.18.16 (API Version 1.2) of the Portfolio was used to build the model. Please use identical major.minor versions of the Portfolio and the Tools.
Iris server is reported on port 7100

How do I fix this?

Thank you

  • Hi Maria,

    I believe I see two distinct issues in the above.

    1) You seem to be picking up an evaluation license. In the above I see:
    Feature:       ds_suite_eval

    You should be able to select the correct edition via Help > Arm License Manager, and click 'Change' (Active Product) to select.

    You should also remove the stray licenses in your license path. If they cannot be removed in Arm License Manager, they must be hard-coded by ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE and/or LMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variables.
    License path: /home/mariag/.arm/ds/licenses/*.lic:8224@california:/opt/arm/licenses/license.dat:

    The second error, if not a side effect of the above...:
    Error: Wrong version of armctmodel. Version 11.18.16 (API Version 1.2) of the Portfolio was used to build the model.

    I have seen occur before if you have other FVPs or Fast Models in your path, and so it is using plugins from a different build number than that used for this FVP. Have you installed the FVP Standard Library also? Try renaming the folder they reside in.

    Regards, Ronan

  • Hi Maria,

    I believe I see two distinct issues in the above.

    1) You seem to be picking up an evaluation license. In the above I see:
    Feature:       ds_suite_eval

    You should be able to select the correct edition via Help > Arm License Manager, and click 'Change' (Active Product) to select.

    You should also remove the stray licenses in your license path. If they cannot be removed in Arm License Manager, they must be hard-coded by ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE and/or LMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variables.
    License path: /home/mariag/.arm/ds/licenses/*.lic:8224@california:/opt/arm/licenses/license.dat:

    The second error, if not a side effect of the above...:
    Error: Wrong version of armctmodel. Version 11.18.16 (API Version 1.2) of the Portfolio was used to build the model.

    I have seen occur before if you have other FVPs or Fast Models in your path, and so it is using plugins from a different build number than that used for this FVP. Have you installed the FVP Standard Library also? Try renaming the folder they reside in.

    Regards, Ronan

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