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Simulator Based C project (Non OS)

Note: This was originally posted on 11th June 2013 at


I am trying to create a couple of trivial C & ARM 7/9 assembly example projects on DS-5 to run using Simulation mode like I used to be able to do in RVDS without having to connect the host pc to a hardware. Nor do I want to involve linux for these trivial examples. To that extent these are bare-metal examples but only that I wont be connecting to any hardware. I think in Real View it used to be called a connection to RVISS  or something like that. I used to be able to teh  choose the ARM processor I was targeting inside that. I assume such programming is with  DS-5 too. When I look into debug configuration, I dont see an explicit ISS or simulator sounding name as target.

Can someone point me along the right direction for creating a clean, simple, simulator based C and Assembly projects in DS-5 professional edition?
