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building U-Boot for SABRELite Kit within Eclipse DS5-CE

Note: This was originally posted on 4th June 2013 at

Hello community ppl ,
I'm using U-boot Root directory from Boundary devices . i built it in terminal and the output was binary files .
Now , i tried to build it into DS5-CE .. in 3 ways:

1)i made a new ->"makefile project with existing code" to use u-boot makefile , settings was as follow

  a-(Project-->properties-->C/C++ build) default build command  unchecked "generate makefiles automatically"
b-project-->make target -->create new targets
      define two targets as u-boot specifies (mx6qsabrelite_config , u-boot.imx)
c- "build projects" with previous two targets
d- "build all" the project

Output : succeed but no images for U-Boot as terminal run.

2)make as step (1) but specify a build command to path to makefile provided by U-Boot root folder
output :Error: Cannot run program "Makefile": Unknown reason
after googling , it should be put in path variable and it is already !!

-------------ADDED CASE------------------
3)make as step (2) but points to another makefile provided by U-Boot root directory "MAKEALL" : it uses the default make util with is eclipse's one 
output ARMDS5-CE-installationDir/bin/make: No such file or directory
---------------END OF ADDED CASE ---------------------------
although that PATH includes the U-Boot root directory that includes MAKEALL script .
4)made a C project with U-boot folder and "automatically-generated-eclipse-make-file" and replaced eclipse makefile with U-boot's one
output : as in (1)

problem : i don't know what to do ??!!!

any help would be appreciated
