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How to user Offline compiler with Vulkan Module?

im trying to profile a shader made in Unity and compiled to vulkan.

I had no problems before with opengl but i quite dont understand how to do the same with vulkan module.

Im coping the module to another file and saving as frag.spv

malioc.exe --spirv -c Mali-T760 --fragment C:\XXX\frag.spv

The erro i get is, SPIR-V header not recognized

Unity file look like this;

Disassembly for Fragment:
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80006
// Id's are bound by 370

Capability Shader
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 22 40 361
ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
Name 22 "vs_TEXCOORD1"
Name 40 "vs_TEXCOORD2"
Decorate 9 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 12 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 12 DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 12 Binding 2
Decorate 13 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 16 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 16 DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 16 Binding 0
Decorate 17 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 22(vs_TEXCOORD1) Location 0
Decorate 26 RelaxedPrecision


Any ideas?
  • Hi ,

    It looks like you are trying to pass in a disassembled SPIR-V file; we don't accept this. Mali Offline Compiler needs either the original high-level language source file (any source format which is accepted by glslangValidator works - it doesn't need to be OpenGL ES source code), or a SPIR-V binary module.


  • Hi ,

    It looks like you are trying to pass in a disassembled SPIR-V file; we don't accept this. Mali Offline Compiler needs either the original high-level language source file (any source format which is accepted by glslangValidator works - it doesn't need to be OpenGL ES source code), or a SPIR-V binary module.

