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Dstream probe questions

Note: This was originally posted on 4th March 2013 at

I just received a Dstream probe to do trace on an Omap 3530 (CortexA8) processor.
I started to setup the device but I have the following issues:

[1] I installed DS5 & Dstream on a windows XP (SP3) but the USB driver installation of the Dstream fails.
Each time I plug the probe (USB) to the PC, windows ask for the driver to install ... I follow the procedure given by arm and indicate the correct folder for the drivers.
The installation starts with files copy ... but at the end of the setup an error message indicates that the installation failed without giving further indications.
Does someone already had that kind of problem?

[2] As I'm not able to connect the Dstream to the host PC via USB I have connected the probe via Ethernet.
This is working fine but it seems that, when connected via ethernet, it is not possible to do trace capture with the ETM interface.
Looks like it is only possible to use the 4KB trace buffer embedded in the OMAP.
Someone can confirm?

Thanks for your help!
