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[DS-5] Debug fails on android jelly bean

Note: This was originally posted on 17th October 2012 at


I and new to android (and arm) development.
I have DS-5 installed on eclipse with android SDK and NDK.
I can successfully debug native code on android 4.0 real device. (I used several devices successfully)
in the same environment when I try to debug android 4.1 device ( again, several devices) I see the following error in the command window:

! Failed to set up shared library support
! Failed to read 4 bytes from address 0x801E2E94
! Remote gdbserver returned error code 0x01

the application can still run, but I cannot set any breakpoints.

I am using NDK  r8b.  this version includes gdbserver 7.3.1 that should support android 4.1

a suggested workaround to increase the sleep value  in
to value other than 0.0 did not help.

any suggestions?