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Choices for JTAG manufacturing use programmers?

What are some good choices for JTAG manufacturing use programmers? Production PCB not yet designed, so JTAG connector advice also welcome.

  • Hello,

    There are many vendors of JTAG programmers which are ARM compatible, so you should be able to search and find one that is most suitable for your project.  Some vendors I've worked with are Segger (J-Flash tools), BP-Micro, DataIO, etc.  The major Distribution companies and many contract manufacturers can provide flash programming services for MCUs, either in-system or before the chips are soldered to the production hardware.

    In case of an in-system programmer, hardware developers often use test points on the PCB and dedicated programming fixtures.  This means you have to consider some of these options before designing the hardware.  JTAG headers are typically used for debug, and the footprint can be used as the contact points for these programming fixtures as well.  ARM has a nice summary of connectors here.


  • Hello,

    There are many vendors of JTAG programmers which are ARM compatible, so you should be able to search and find one that is most suitable for your project.  Some vendors I've worked with are Segger (J-Flash tools), BP-Micro, DataIO, etc.  The major Distribution companies and many contract manufacturers can provide flash programming services for MCUs, either in-system or before the chips are soldered to the production hardware.

    In case of an in-system programmer, hardware developers often use test points on the PCB and dedicated programming fixtures.  This means you have to consider some of these options before designing the hardware.  JTAG headers are typically used for debug, and the footprint can be used as the contact points for these programming fixtures as well.  ARM has a nice summary of connectors here.


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