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ARM DS-5 Tutorial For Android

Note: This was originally posted on 5th December 2011 at


I've created a step by step blog post for using DS-5 as debugger tool for Android

Hope this is useful for others.

  • Note: This was originally posted on 6th February 2012 at

    Yes, I had similar or even same crashes. I don't see any problems with debugging non "main" threads (even if log says "AAAAAH, Can't debug threads!" ;) ) . I'm using NativeActivity, so my NDK/C++ code does not  run on main thread but on it's own thread.

    Did you followed steps exactly as in my post? Most important thing before each ndk debugging session on SGS2 is point "two" - run activity, and close it, but do NOT terminate it! Then you can start debugging by "Attach to a running Android application" (as in this "SGS2 NDK debug tutorial").

    Write what steps make you trouble, so I help you.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 6th February 2012 at

    Yes, I had similar or even same crashes. I don't see any problems with debugging non "main" threads (even if log says "AAAAAH, Can't debug threads!" ;) ) . I'm using NativeActivity, so my NDK/C++ code does not  run on main thread but on it's own thread.

    Did you followed steps exactly as in my post? Most important thing before each ndk debugging session on SGS2 is point "two" - run activity, and close it, but do NOT terminate it! Then you can start debugging by "Attach to a running Android application" (as in this "SGS2 NDK debug tutorial").

    Write what steps make you trouble, so I help you.
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