I want to start writing and testing ARM Assembly programs. What emulator should I use? Does DS-5 or Keil MDK-ARM suffice?
If you are interested in using a Cortex-M0+ and are just interstedd in learning assembly language (Cortex-M0+) has a linmited instruction set), either the Freescale KL25Z Freedom board or the NXP LPC800 has MTB (micro trace buffer). With this you can see the instructions as they were executed in this instruction trace buffer. It is quite unusual to be able to have trace available without a special trace debug adapter.
With the free Keil MDK Lite you can compile up to 32K of program and data.
A tutorial for the Freescale KL25Z: www.keil.com/appnotes/docs/apnt_232.asp
No debug adapter is needed for this board - it has a on-board CMSIS-DAP.
A tutorial for the NXP LPC800 board: www.keil.com/appnotes/docs/apnt_237.asp
A debug adapter is needed: a ULINK, J-Link (black case), or a LPC-Link 2.