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Setting an entry point

Note: This was originally posted on 23rd May 2013 at


Finally I managed to build a static library and I have a xyz.a file and some xyzs.o files.  The entry point is xyz_init and I put this as so in the debugger, however on loading I get this:

! Failed to start the target
! No function named "xyz_init" could be found
WARNING(CMD407): Trying the entry point instead
ERROR(CMD426): Cannot find symbol to start or entrypoint, the file or load commands may be used to set the entrypoint

How can I make the debugger see my entry point?  Also, how do I load up some symbol files?

  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th May 2013 at

    Also, we have done it before so that the interrupts etc.. are setup in  assembly in a file start.s and from there we jump into C code.  Can this  be done here?

    Please start a new thread with a meaningful Topic for a new question instead of reusing an existing thread.  Also please include information about what target you are using.

    In short: yes, it's possible.  Have you investigated the examples?
  • Note: This was originally posted on 24th May 2013 at

    Also, we have done it before so that the interrupts etc.. are setup in  assembly in a file start.s and from there we jump into C code.  Can this  be done here?

    Please start a new thread with a meaningful Topic for a new question instead of reusing an existing thread.  Also please include information about what target you are using.

    In short: yes, it's possible.  Have you investigated the examples?
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