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DS-5 GIC registers in debugger register view?


Im using DS-5 with my board (Cyclone V SoC FPGA with Cortex A9) and I cant find GIC and some other private peripherals of my MCU (like private timers etc.) in Registers view while in debugger mode.

Am I missing something? Should it be visible or not?

  • Hello again,

    So i did what Ronan said but result seems to be inaccurate. 

    After pointing to /SoC/Altera, bunch of additional registers were discovered by debugger BUT ... ony item refered to GIC is called i_gic_wrapper and is starting from 0xFFFC1000 (according to a9 TRM, Cyclone V Handbook and GIC TRM interface ragisters are located 0x0100 from CBAR and distributor is located 0x1000 from CBAR resulting in 0xFFFEC100 and 0xFFFED000). All altera libraries are using correct values.

    So, to sum up, i_gic_wrapper has wrong base addres and its contend is unavaible to read

  • Hello again,

    So i did what Ronan said but result seems to be inaccurate. 

    After pointing to /SoC/Altera, bunch of additional registers were discovered by debugger BUT ... ony item refered to GIC is called i_gic_wrapper and is starting from 0xFFFC1000 (according to a9 TRM, Cyclone V Handbook and GIC TRM interface ragisters are located 0x0100 from CBAR and distributor is located 0x1000 from CBAR resulting in 0xFFFEC100 and 0xFFFED000). All altera libraries are using correct values.

    So, to sum up, i_gic_wrapper has wrong base addres and its contend is unavaible to read
