HelloI want to do image processing with an lpc1768.Do I need to install the operating system?
If yes, which operating system?
thanks all
I am using the LPC 1768 for the first time in a design. I am going through the data sheet and I can see that some pins are for LED's but also GPIO. For example P1[18]'s description says:
General purpose digital input/output pin. USB_UP_LED — USB GoodLink LED indicator. It is LOW when the device is configured (non-control endpoints enabled), or when the host is enabled and has detected a device on the bus. It is HIGH when the device is not configured, or when host is enabled and has not detected a device on the bus, or during global suspend. It transitions between LOW and HIGH (flashes) when the host is enabled and detects activity on the bus. (LPC1769/68/66/65/64 only).
I don't want to use it as GPIO if it is going to overwritten with another signal intended for an LED.
Can someone clarify this for me?
I recommend posting your query to the NXP forum:https://community.nxp.com/t5/LPC-Microcontrollers/bd-p/lpc