I am newbie in arm programming. I am using teensy 3.2 which has MK20DX256 microcontroller chip .and led is connected to PTC5 of MC.
i have written this code to blink LED
The project builds without error but hex file does not blink led. i am using teensyloader to program the board with hex file
here is my code
# include "MK20D7.h"void delay(unsigned int );
int main(void){ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); /* Get Core Clock Frequency */ SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/1000); /* Generate interrupt each 1 ms */
PORTC->PCR[5]= 256; //declared as GPIO PTC->PDDR=0x00000010; while(1) { PTC->PDOR=0x00000010; delay(500); PTC->PDOR=0x00000000; delay(500); } }
void delay(unsigned int ms){ unsigned int i,j;
for(i=0;i<ms;i++) for(j=0;j<20000;j++);
please help me in finding what is wrong with this code
blessed said:I am newbie in arm programming
Do you have any experience with any other microcontroller(s) ?
Do you have any experience with programming in general ?
i am new to microcontrollers but i have goog c++ knowledge
blessed said:i am new to microcontrollers
Start here:
There are also example projects in the uVision documentation:
and, no doubt, the Teensy people and the chip manufacturer will have examples, tutorials, etc ...
blessed said:i have goog c++ knowledge
So you should understand that the compiler is entirely at liberty to optimise-away "useless" code - like this:
void delay(unsigned int ms) { unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<ms;i++) for(j=0;j<20000;j++); }
Do you have a debugger - so that you can see what your code is actually doing ?
No i am using a simulator
But my code works now
# include "MK20D7.h" void delay(unsigned int); void delay(unsigned int ms) { volatile unsigned int i,j; for(i=0;i<ms;i++) for(j=0;j<2000;j++); } int main(void) { SIM->SCGC5 = (1UL << 11); /* Enable Clock to Port C */ PORTC->PCR[5] = (1UL << 8); /* Pin is GPIO */ PTC->PDDR = (1u<<5); while(1) { PTC->PSOR = (1u<<5); //Set PTC5 = 1, turns LED on delay(500); //Burn some time PTC->PCOR = (1u<<5); //Set PTC5 = 1, turns LED off delay(500); //Burn some time } }