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STM32F7 using floating point and ARM:CMSIS v4.5.0 link problem

I have updated the package to the latest STM32F7x_DFP 2.3.0 and ARM:CMSIS 4.5.0. Unfortunately, my code doesn't link anymore. I tried to find a note in the history change for new define or change to build/link option but found none. Anyone knows what to do to get it link? Everything works no problem with ARM:CMSIS 4.4.0.

Here is the error:

.\Objects\IPLB2.axf: Error: L6367E: arm_common_tables.o(.constdata) attributes are not compatible with the provided cpu and fpu attributes .
Object arm_common_tables.o contains Build Attributes that are incompatible with the CPU attributes. Tag_VFP_arch = Use of the ARM v8-A FP ISA was permitted, but only citing registers D0-D15, S0-S31 (=8)

Thank you.