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Array of struct within struct

Has anyone defined an array of struct inside another struct
with C51? I can find no reference document prohibiting it.
Yet, when I try to compile following fragment:

  #include <stdio.h>

  struct s1 { int m1a;
              int m1b;

  struct s2 { int       m2c;
              struct s1 m2d[2];

  struct s2 e = { 1,
                  { 2, 3 },
                  { 4, 5 }

  void main(void) {

    for(;;) {
       printf("%d %d %d\n",
              e.m2c, e.m2d[0].m1a, e.m2d[0].m1b);

which I expect to create one structure e, of 5 ints, and initialize it as follows:

     |  m2c          |
     | +---+         |
     | | 1 |         |
     | +---+         |
     |     m2d[0]    |
     | +-----------+ |
     | |  m1a m1b  | |
     | | +---+---+ | |
     | | | 2 | 3 | | |
     | | +---+---+ | |
     | +-----------+ |
     |     m2d[1]    |
     | +-----------+ |
     | |  m1a m1b  | |
     | | +---+---+ | |
     | | | 4 | 5 | | |
     | | +---+---+ | |
     | +-----------+ |

C51 aborts on the definition of e:

    11          struct s2 e = { 1,
    12                          { 2, 3 },
    13                          { 4, 5 }
  *** ERROR C242 IN LINE 13 OF TESTMENU05.C: 'struct': too many initializers


Gary Lynch           |   To send mail, no$pam in domain name
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