The decreasing cost and power consumption of intelligent, interconnected, and interactive devices at the edge of the internet are creating massive opportunities to instrument our cities, factories, farms, and environment to improve efficiency, safety, and productivity. Developing, debugging, deploying, and securing software for the estimated trillion connected devices presents substantial challenges. As part of the SMARTER (Secure Municipal, Agricultural, Rural, and Telco Edge Research) project, Arm has been exploring the use of cloud-native technology and methodologies in edge environments to evaluate their effectiveness at addressing these problems at scale.
The Container Network Interface (CNI) defines a common interface between container runtimes and network plug-ins. The CNI is used to manage the allocation and deallocation of network resources to containers as they are created and deleted.
Container orchestration frameworks, such as Kubernetes, can use a CNI to deploy containers into a Kubernetes cluster, while remaining independent of the implementation details and topology of the network used between the machines in the cluster.
There are many choices available which can be used as CNI plug-ins with a large variation in the sophistication of functionality provided. In the most common setup of Kubernetes clusters, it is desirable that every node is reachable from every other node in the cluster. This enables the seamless deployment of applications and services across the nodes within the cluster. The CNI is responsible for ensuring that the containers created are reachable from every node and can use a range of technologies to enable this, for example building an overlay network using VXLAN.
In our use-case, we have chosen a different network organization from the Kubernetes norm, as we are looking to enable Edge Compute for IoT. In the ’IoT Edge’ use-case, we have various IoT endpoints connected to an Edge Gateway. The IoT endpoints do not have their own IP connection - instead they communicate with the Edge Gateway. In the simplest case, the Edge Gateway acts as a relay, passing on data from the endpoints (for example, data from a temperature sensor) to a cloud-based application and passing back commands from that cloud application. In this setup, many endpoints may be connected to a single Edge Gateway. This combination of endpoints plus gateway is then the unit of deployment that can be instantiated in many different locations.
In the ‘IoT with Edge Compute’ use-case, we take advantage of the compute available in the Edge Gateway to run applications there that can provide a lower-latency response to data from the IoT endpoints. This can also have benefits in terms of privacy and data-security as we also can reduce the amount of raw data being sent to the cloud.
We chose to use Kubernetes to manage the deployment of applications to the Edge Gateways in our system. Each of our deployed Edge Gateways becomes a node in our Kubernetes cluster, but unlike a normal cluster we have no requirement for each node to be reachable from every other node.
In this typical IoT edge computing implementation, the system is segmented with the control plane (master) running in the cloud, while the Edge Gateways (the worker nodes) themselves are scattered geographically and are probably located behind a firewall or behind a NAT in a private network.
In this model, the connectivity between nodes and that between a node and the cloud are limited. We assume that nodes have an outbound internet connectivity and they can initiate a connection to the hosted Kubernetes master in the cloud. Furthermore, the nodes themselves are not connected to other nodes - an application running on an Edge Gateway does not communicate directly with applications running on other Edge Gateways.
We took these restrictions into account when designing smarter-cni for our IoT with Edge Compute scenario. When using smarter-cni, only pods (containers) running on the same node can communicate directly with each other.
Our starting point for smarter-cni is the “to_docker” example CNI plug-in that is available in the Kubernetes source repository.
Kubernetes source repository
This plugin is no longer maintained and so we have made the smarter-cni plugin.
Smarter-cni plugin
The networking configuration for a node (Edge Gateway) using smarter-cni can be viewed in two ways:
In a standard Kubernetes cluster, DNS is centralized, and Kubernetes Service objects are used to provide a mapping between IP addresses and pods. This mechanism also supports load-balancing and proxying. Smarter-cni provides a simpler implementation that is less expensive and more distributed, it also alleviates the need for Service objects by providing a DNS entry for each pod.
Docker provides an automatically enabled, embedded DNS resolver ( for user-defined networks. When a Kubernetes pod is started on a node, smarter-cni captures the Kubernetes pod name and creates a DNS record in the embedded DNS server. It is this mechanism that enables pods running on the same node to discover each other's IP addresses VIA DNS lookup of their names. Each node also runs a containerized dnsmasq connected to the user-defined network with a static address. Pods using host networking are configured to look up DNS entries VIA this dnsmasq and can therefore also discover IP addresses VIA DNS lookup of pod names (which would not normally be possible as host networked pods cannot access the embedded DNS resolver directly).
To install smarter-cni on a node, check out the latest tagged version (currently v0.5.1) from the smarter-cni repository.
Smarter-cni repository
In the smarter-cni repository, you find:
Once smarter-cni is installed on a node, it can be used as the CNI when the node is joined to a Kubernetes cluster. In our ‘IoT Edge Compute’ setup we do not run the Kubernetes kube-proxy or core-dns pods or services - they are used to provide cross-node (that is, cross-Edge Gateway) functionality that we explicitly do not support.
Here is an example of using smarter-cni with k3s with docker as the container runtime engine (we assume that docker is already present). We run the k3s server on one node ‘the master’ and the k3s agent on another node ‘the worker’.
Install smarter-cni as specified above.
Download the latest k3s binary. Both 64-bit and 32-bit Arm platforms are supported as well as x86. Install k3s as `/usr/local/bin/k3s`
Start the k3s server on the master node using:
/usr/local/bin/k3s server --docker --no-flannel --no-deploy coredns --no-deploy traefik --disable-agent > server.log 2>&1 &
This will start the k3s server using docker as the container runtime engine and switches the CNI from the default (flannel) to that specified in the /etc/cni/net.d directory. This command also prevents coredns and traefik being deployed as we do not use that functionality. This command will generate logging information so it's best to redirect standard error and standard output to file as shown
Note that in this setup the master node is not running the k3s agent and will therefore not run any applications that are deployed into the cluster.
Find the token that a worker will need to join the cluster. This is located at /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token on the master node.
For example:
cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-tokenK1093b183760bf9caa3d3862975cfdc5452a84fe258ee672d545dd2d27900045162::node:a6208aefd1e9bf2644b0c7eb10a76756
Put the token from the master into an environment variable on the worker node:
export TOKEN="K1093b183760bf9caa3d3862975cfdc5452a84fe258ee672d545dd2d27900045162::node:a6208aefd1e9bf2644b0c7eb10a76756"
Run the k3s agent on the worker node filling in the IP of the master node and providing the token:
k3s agent --docker --no-flannel --server=https://${IP_ADDRESS_OF_MASTER_NODE}:6443 --token ${TOKEN} > worker.log 2>&1 &
This will start the k3s agent and join the worker to the cluster. This command will also generate logging information so it's best to redirect standard error and standard output to file as shown.
Now on the master node you should be able to see the state of the cluster using:
/usr/local/bin/k3s kubectl get nodes -o wide
which should produce output like:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIMEpike2 Ready <none> 4d1h v1.16.2-k3s.1 <none> Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 4.19.75-v7+ docker://19.3.5
The ”Ready” status shows that the worker node has joined the cluster correctly.
The same k3s agent command can be run on other nodes (on which smarter-cni and k3s have been installed) to add more nodes to the cluster.
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIMEpike2 Ready <none> 47h v1.16.3-k3s.2 <none> Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 4.19.75-v7+ docker://19.3.5pike1 Ready <none> 47h v1.16.3-k3s.2 <none> Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 4.19.50-v7+ docker://18.9.0
Here is a YAML description for an example application that can be deployed to the cluster. It's described as a Kubernetes dameonset and will be deployed on each node in the cluster:
kind: DaemonSetapiVersion: apps/v1metadata: name: example labels: k3s-app: examplespec: selector: matchLabels: name: example template: metadata: labels: name: example spec: hostname: example containers: - name: example-dummy-pod image: alpine command: ["/bin/ash", "-ec", "while :; do date; sleep 5 ; done"]
This application consists of a shell command running in an Alpine Linux image. It prints the current date and time onto standard out every five seconds.
To deploy: put the YAML description into a file and then apply it to the cluster (on the Master Node)
k3s kubectl apply -f example.yamldaemonset.apps/example created
The nodes may need to pull the Alpine docker image after which the application should start running:
k3s kubectl get daemonsets,pods -o wideNAME. DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTORdaemonset.apps/example 2 2 2 2 2 <none> 85s example-dummy-pod alpine name=exampleNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATESpod/example-ksd9z 1/1 Running 0 85s pike2 <none> <none>pod/example-f6mvv 1/1 Running 0 85s pike1 <none> <none>
You can use the k3s command to view the output from the application running. For example, looking at the output of a particular pod:
k3s kubectl logs pod/example-ksd9zFri Dec 6 15:56:39 UTC 2019Fri Dec 6 15:56:44 UTC 2019Fri Dec 6 15:56:49 UTC 2019
The application can be removed from all the nodes with a single command:
k3s kubectl delete daemonset.apps/exampledaemonset.apps "example" deleted
Smarter-cni is designed for the particular use-case of Edge Compute for IoT. Using smarter-cni as the CNI for Kubernetes cluster reduces the complexity of the networking setup while still supporting many important Kubernetes properties. This is a common theme in the SMARTER project - applying cloud-native technologies and adapting them where the constraints require it. Networking is just one part of the story for making Edge Compute for IoT a reality. Look out for the upcoming blogs about different aspects of the SMARTER project for more information, and should you have any questions, contact Chris - Principal Research Engineer at Arm Research.
Contact Chris Adeniyi-Jones
This post is the first in a five part series. Read the other parts of the series using the links below: Part two: SMARTER: An Approach to Edge Compute Observability and Performance Monitoring Part three: SMARTER: A Smarter-Device-Manager for Kubernetes on the Edge Part four: SMARTER: Debugging a Remote Edge Device
This post is the first in a five part series. Read the other parts of the series using the links below:
Part two: SMARTER: An Approach to Edge Compute Observability and Performance Monitoring
Part three: SMARTER: A Smarter-Device-Manager for Kubernetes on the Edge
Part four: SMARTER: Debugging a Remote Edge Device