How to generate Performance Advisor with system-wide profiling


I'd like to know if generate Performance Advisor with system wide profiling is available or not.

I've already confirmed that I could run Streamline with system-wide profiling setting on my Android development device environment.

In this case, just call below command, then start capture on Streamline tool.

./data/local/tmp/gatord --system-wide=yes &

Then, I used "Streamline-cli.exe" command in order to generate Performance Advisor html.

However, I faced below error.

ERROR: Cannot find any frames. Please refer to the user guide for methods of providing frame data to Performance Advisor.
ERROR: Process name () does not match any of the processes in the capture. Use the -p option to specify the process to use. Processes in the capture:

I guess it means that I need to run "" command in advance.

But, when call "" command, it require to select debuggable application.

If I'm not mistaken, there are no system-wide profiling related command option on "".

It means Performance Advisor only support application profiling ?

I cannot find explanation how to enable system-wide profiling setting on Performance Advisor procedure.

Please help to explain the procedure if it's available...

Thank you