no TRACE available when debugger is an CMSIS-DAP Debugger (MCU link)


I try to use a CMSIS DAP debugger (MCU link) for debugging a CortexM4 (LPC54618). Flashing and stepping through the code works as expected, but it seems I can't use SWO trace to get my printf outputs via SWO in the debug (printf) viewer window. In the debugger setup window the TRACE function seems to be disabled. But according to the MCU link documentation SWO is supported.

- Do I configure somthing wrong,
- or does µVision 5.41 not support SWO output for CMSIS DAP,
- or is the MCU link not fuilly compatibel to CMSIS-DAP stanard
- or any other idea why printf via SWO does not work in thes case?

Thank you.