Embedded software development has been changing at a frantic pace recently. IoT applications are putting the last nails on the coffin of non-interactive software development models such as Waterfall. Continuous integration has (finally) arrived in mainstream embedded to do away with the "integration hell", mitigating the risk of project schedule delays. However, many embedded development tools haven't significantly changed much since, well, the 90's! ARM development tools have been bucking this trend and, at embedded world 2017, we are making modern embedded software development even more efficient through some new and updated tools.
Functional safety is a hot topic in the embedded space, with many new applications making it a requirement. On one hand safety-related applications are becoming more complex and requiring more compute power, such as automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) ranging from mono-sensor systems, not too long ago, to sensor fusion for a surround view now. On the other hand, an increasing number of electronic medical devices are being inserted into the human body with the expectation to live there for years on tiny energy supplies. In this context, it was just natural for ARM to introduce a version of its most efficient C/C++ compiler, certified for use in safety-related application up to the highest integrity levels of standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508.
Learn more about ARM Compiler 6 for functional safety »
Another breakthrough announcement for software engineers at embedded world is the introduction of ARM CoreSight SoC-600 debug and trace technology. The new component will form the basis of the SoC debug architecture of the future by enabling the transport of debug and trace connection over existing, functional interfaces such as USB, PCIe or even wireless ports. This means that very capable debug connections can be available for software engineers to efficiently develop code throughout the product lifecycle, whereas today trace and even JTAG ports are designed out when many embedded systems go into production. At embedded world we are demonstrating how the future will look like, connecting a prototype system to ARM DS-5 Development Studio for debug over USB. It showcases the early support for ARM technologies always available in ARM tools.
Learn more about DS-5 and CoreSight SoC-600 »
As embedded devices get faster and more complex, and new use cases emerge, the good old debug probes too must evolve. We are introducing two brand new units at embedded world: Keil ULINKplus and ARM DSTREAM-ST.
ULINKplus is a small form factor, electrically-isolated, JTAG and Serial Wire Debug/Trace probe that is packed with integrated power measurement and additional I/O pins to enable automated unit testing workflows.
DSTREAM-ST is a modern hardware platform for high-performance debug on complex SoCs at a very competitive price point. It complements the high-end DSTREAM unit by offering a cost-effective alternative for hardware platforms with up to 4-pin wide CoreSight trace ports.
Learn more about ULINKplus and DSTREAM-ST.
ARM is located in hall 3/stand 342 at embedded world in Nuremberg, Germany.
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