AHB Write Strobe calculation

Hi ,

I am trying to generate strobes for narrow burst write transfers  where my size of the transfer is less than the data width of the bus

e.g I am doing a wrap16 burst transfer with HSIZE=1 (half-word transfer) HBURST = 6

-> I have calculated the wrap boundary and upper limit as mentioned in the protocol specification

-> If my starting address is 0x30 , then the next address would become 0x32 and it follows like

     0x30 -> 0x32 ->0x34->0x36->0x38->0x40 ...

i)According to ahb protocol specification in section 3.5.2 it mentioned calculating strobe according to address offset and size which means
  for address 0x30 -> lower 2 bytes are active
                     0x32 -> upper 2 bytes are active
                     0x34 -> lower 2 bytes are active ....
ii) I found this logic in axi protocol spec about lower active byte lanes and upper active byte lanes
       Use these equations to determine which byte lanes to use for the first transfer in a burst:
       Lower_Byte_Lane = Start_Address - (INT(Start_Address / Data_Bus_Bytes)) x Data_Bus_Bytes
       Upper_Byte_Lane = Aligned_Address + (Number_Bytes - 1) - (INT(Start_Address / Data_Bus_Bytes)) x Data_Bus_Bytes.
       Use these equations to determine which byte lanes to use for all transfers after the first transfer in a burst:
       Lower_Byte_Lane = Address_N – (INT(Address_N / Data_Bus_Bytes))x Data_Bus_Bytes
       Upper_Byte_Lane = Lower_Byte_Lane + Number_Bytes – 1.
       Data is transferred on:
       DATA[(8 x Upper_Byte_Lane) + 7 : (8 x Lower_Byte_Lane)]

Can anyone help me out whether to use the same strobe calculation for ahb bursts or it is explicit for axi only?
Thank you.