BSD Protocol Configuration: Unable to Open Port


Below is an example of MDK code for implementing a BSD Server: (Unfortunately, the "Insert->Code" feature in this forum did not function properly when tested across multiple browsers. Please accept my apologies for posting the text without proper code formatting)

 * MDK Middleware - Component ::Network
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 ARM Germany GmbH. All rights reserved.
 * Name:    BSD_Server.c
 * Purpose: LED Server example using BSD sockets

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cmsis_os.h"                   // ARM::CMSIS:RTOS:Keil RTX
#include "rl_net.h"                     // Keil.MDK-Pro::Network:CORE

#include "GPIO_STM32F10x.h"             // Keil::Device:GPIO
#include "stm32f10x_gpio.h"             // Keil::Device:StdPeriph Drivers:GPIO
#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"              // Keil::Device:StdPeriph Drivers:RCC

#include "Board_LED.h"                  // ::Board Support:LED
#include "Board_GLCD.h"                 // ::Board Support:Graphic LCD
#include "GLCD_Config.h"                // Keil.MCBSTM32C::Board Support:Graphic LCD

//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> -----------------

//   <o>Socket Address Family <0=>IPv4 <1=>IPv6
//   <i> Define either IPv4 or IPv6 connections are accepted
//   <i> Default: 1
#define SOCK_AF        0

//   <o>Socket Local Port <1-65535>
//   <i> Do not set number of port too small,
//   <i> maybe it is already used.
//   <i> Default: 1001
#define SOCK_PORT      1001

//------------- <<< end of configuration section >>> -----------------------

#define BLINKLED 0x01                   /* Command for blink the leds         */

extern GLCD_FONT GLCD_Font_16x24;

  SOCKADDR_IN6 addr;
  int sock, sd, res;
 char dbuf[4];
 int i,j;

static void Server (void const *arg);
osThreadDef(Server, osPriorityNormal, 2, 0);

/// Initialize display
static void init_display  () {
  GLCD_Initialize         ();
  GLCD_SetBackgroundColor (GLCD_COLOR_BLUE);
  GLCD_SetForegroundColor (GLCD_COLOR_WHITE);
  GLCD_ClearScreen        ();
  GLCD_SetFont            (&GLCD_Font_16x24);
  GLCD_DrawString         (0, 1*24, "       MDK-MW       ");
  GLCD_DrawString         (0, 2*24, " BSD Server example ");

/// Print IP addresses
static void print_address (void) {
  static uint8_t ip_addr[NET_ADDR_IP6_LEN];
  static char    ip_ascii[40];
  static char    buf[24];

#if (SOCK_AF == 0)
  /* Print IPv4 network address */
  netIF_GetOption (NET_IF_CLASS_ETH, netIF_OptionIP4_Address, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr));
  netIP_ntoa (NET_ADDR_IP4, ip_addr, ip_ascii, sizeof(ip_ascii));

  sprintf (buf, "IP4=%-15s", ip_ascii);
  GLCD_DrawString (0, 5*24, buf);
  /* Print IPv6 network address */
  netIF_GetOption (NET_IF_CLASS_ETH, netIF_OptionIP6_LinkLocalAddress, ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr));
  netIP_ntoa(NET_ADDR_IP6, ip_addr, ip_ascii, sizeof(ip_ascii));

  sprintf (buf, "IP6=%.16s", ip_ascii);
  GLCD_DrawString (0, 5*24, buf);
  sprintf (buf, "%s",ip_ascii+16);
  GLCD_DrawString (10*16, 6*24, buf);

  Thread 'Server': BSD server socket process (2 instances)
static void Server (void const *arg) {
  int type = (int)arg;

  while (1) {
    /* Setup network parameters */
    memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));

#if (SOCK_AF == 0)
    /* Accept only IPv4 connections */
    addr.sin6_family = AF_INET;
    /* Accept only IPv6 connections */
    addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
    addr.sin6_port   = htons(SOCK_PORT);

    /* Create socket */
    sock = socket (addr.sin6_family, type, 0);

    /* Bind address and port to socket */
    bind (sock, (SOCKADDR *)&addr, sizeof(addr));

    if (type == SOCK_STREAM) {
      listen (sock, 1);
      sd = accept (sock, NULL, NULL);
      closesocket (sock);
      sock = sd;

    while (1) {


      res = recv (sock, dbuf, sizeof (dbuf), 0);
      if (res <= 0) {
      if (dbuf[0] == BLINKLED) {
       // LED_SetOut (dbuf[1]);
    closesocket (sock);

  Main Thread 'main': Run Network
int main (void) {

  netInitialize ();

  /* Create BSD socket processor threads */
  osThreadCreate (osThread(Server), (void *)SOCK_STREAM);

  while(1) {
    osSignalWait (0, osWaitForever);

I can ping the device successfully; however, I cannot establish a connection to port 1001 using Telnet. As shown in the debug video, the socket opens and closes simultaneously, which may indicate an underlying issue.The J variable is being incremented before the while loop, but it should only be assigned a single value after creating the thread. This is likely causing unexpected behavior in this code.

  • Hi,

    To resolve the problem, the following changes are necessary. The code utilizes IPv6; however, it should be modified to use IPv4 instead.

    1)SOCK_AF =0



        addr.sin_port        = htons(PORT_NUM);
        addr.sin_family      = PF_INET;
        addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

  • Hi,

    To resolve the problem, the following changes are necessary. The code utilizes IPv6; however, it should be modified to use IPv4 instead.

    1)SOCK_AF =0



        addr.sin_port        = htons(PORT_NUM);
        addr.sin_family      = PF_INET;
        addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

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