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unexpected code

There is simple code


I compiled it by keil for arm ver v4.53.0.0(coretex m3)

I got below assambly code

But I meet unexpected code line 0083ae

0083ae  e00b              B        |L1.33736|
                          DCD      TimeAlarmFlags
                          DCD      PwrOn_Redy_Cnt
                          DCD      TimeFlags
                          DCD      PCU_C
                          DCD      GPIO_C
                          DCD      uR0

So fuction usRDelay(17); is more delayed.
Why unexpected code is generated?
What is that code?
(p.s. TimeAlarmFlags is defined unsigned char by me, but why that is suddenly located?)

;;;7580       usRDelay(17);
008346  2011              MOVS     r0,#0x11
008348  491e              LDR      r1,|L1.33732|
00834a  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
00834c  bf00              NOP
00834e  481d              LDR      r0,|L1.33732|
008350  7800              LDRB     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uR0
008352  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
008354  f01000ff          ANDS     r0,r0,#0xff
008358  491a              LDR      r1,|L1.33732|
00835a  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
00835c  d1f7              BNE      |L1.33614|
;;;7581       Comm_LineOut_Port=SendData.B.Bit02;
00835e  f89d0000          LDRB     r0,[sp,#0]
008362  f3c00180          UBFX     r1,r0,#2,#1
008366  4816              LDR      r0,|L1.33728|
008368  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]  ; GPIO_C
00836a  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]
00836c  f36120cb          BFI      r0,r1,#11,#1
008370  4913              LDR      r1,|L1.33728|
008372  6809              LDR      r1,[r1,#0]  ; GPIO_C
008374  6008              STR      r0,[r1,#0]
;;;7582       usRDelay(17);
008376  2011              MOVS     r0,#0x11
008378  4912              LDR      r1,|L1.33732|
00837a  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
00837c  bf00              NOP
00837e  4811              LDR      r0,|L1.33732|
008380  7800              LDRB     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uR0
008382  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
008384  f01000ff          ANDS     r0,r0,#0xff
008388  490e              LDR      r1,|L1.33732|
00838a  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
00838c  d1f7              BNE      |L1.33662|
;;;7583       Comm_LineOut_Port=SendData.B.Bit01;
00838e  f89d0000          LDRB     r0,[sp,#0]
008392  f3c00140          UBFX     r1,r0,#1,#1
008396  480a              LDR      r0,|L1.33728|
008398  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]  ; GPIO_C
00839a  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]
00839c  f36120cb          BFI      r0,r1,#11,#1
0083a0  4907              LDR      r1,|L1.33728|
0083a2  6809              LDR      r1,[r1,#0]  ; GPIO_C
0083a4  6008              STR      r0,[r1,#0]
;;;7584       usRDelay(17);
0083a6  2011              MOVS     r0,#0x11
0083a8  4906              LDR      r1,|L1.33732|
0083aa  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
0083ac  bf00              NOP
0083ae  e00b              B        |L1.33736|
                          DCD      TimeAlarmFlags
                          DCD      PwrOn_Redy_Cnt
                          DCD      TimeFlags
                          DCD      PCU_C
                          DCD      GPIO_C
                          DCD      uR0
0083c8  48fb              LDR      r0,|L1.34744|
0083ca  7800              LDRB     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uR0
0083cc  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0083ce  f01000ff          ANDS     r0,r0,#0xff
0083d2  49f9              LDR      r1,|L1.34744|
0083d4  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
0083d6  d1ea              BNE      |L1.33710|
;;;7585       Comm_LineOut_Port=SendData.B.Bit00;
0083d8  f89d0000          LDRB     r0,[sp,#0]
0083dc  49f7              LDR      r1,|L1.34748|
0083de  6809              LDR      r1,[r1,#0]  ; GPIO_C
0083e0  6809              LDR      r1,[r1,#0]
0083e2  f36021cb          BFI      r1,r0,#11,#1
0083e6  48f5              LDR      r0,|L1.34748|
0083e8  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]  ; GPIO_C
0083ea  6001              STR      r1,[r0,#0]
;;;7586       usRDelay(17);
0083ec  2011              MOVS     r0,#0x11
0083ee  49f2              LDR      r1,|L1.34744|
0083f0  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
0083f2  bf00              NOP
0083f4  48f0              LDR      r0,|L1.34744|
0083f6  7800              LDRB     r0,[r0,#0]  ; uR0
0083f8  1e40              SUBS     r0,r0,#1
0083fa  f01000ff          ANDS     r0,r0,#0xff
0083fe  49ee              LDR      r1,|L1.34744|
008400  7008              STRB     r0,[r1,#0]
008402  d1f7              BNE      |L1.33780|
;;;7588       Comm_LineOut_Port=1;
008404  48ed              LDR      r0,|L1.34748|
008406  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]  ; GPIO_C
008408  6800              LDR      r0,[r0,#0]
00840a  f4206000          BIC      r0,r0,#0x800
00840e  f5006000          ADD      r0,r0,#0x800
008412  49ea              LDR      r1,|L1.34748|
008414  6809              LDR      r1,[r1,#0]  ; GPIO_C
008416  6008              STR      r0,[r1,#0]

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