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How to reduce Interrupt-Jitter

Hello to everyone.
This is my Code:

void FIQ_Handler(void) __irq
T1CLRI = 0x55; // T1CLRI is an 8-bit register.
               // Writing any value to this register clears the Timer1 interrupt.

GP4SET = 0x00040000;    //  P4.2 to "1" to see interupt-start on oszilloscope
GP4CLR = 0x00040000;    //  P4.2 to "0" to see interrupt-ready on oszilloscope

This code is execute 200000 times per second (timer-interrupt)
On Oszilloscope i see a Time_jitter of about 200ns.
There is a 120ns wide posetive Impulse every 5us.
But the starting point jitters about 200ns.
How can i reduce this Jitter?
My uC is a ADuC7126

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