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Problem With LCD Interfacing.

Hi Everyone,

i have written code for interfacing LCD With lpc2103 Microcontroller.i have interfaced it with 8 bit mode.
i tried to debug the problem but not successful.acually the problem is while sending data or command to lcd i am getting perfect on LCD pins but nothing on LCD Disply.
Below i have shown my code can anybody figureout why this problem occurs.
MY LCD Controller is KS006U.

#include "LPC2103.h"

#define Lcd_Command 0
#define Lcd_Data 1

#define Lcd_Db0 0x00020000
#define Lcd_Db1 0x20000000
#define Lcd_Db2 0x10000000
#define Lcd_Db3 0x00000800
#define Lcd_Db4 0x01000000
#define Lcd_Db5 0x00000400
#define Lcd_Db6 0x00200000
#define Lcd_Db7 0x00100000

#define Lcd_Rs 0x02000000
#define Lcd_Rw 0x00080000
#define Lcd_En 0x00010000

#define Lcd_Io_All (Lcd_Db0|Lcd_Db1|Lcd_Db2|Lcd_Db3|Lcd_Db4|Lcd_Db5|Lcd_Db6|Lcd_Db7|Lcd_Rs|Lcd_Rw|Lcd_En)
#define Lcd_Db_All (Lcd_Db0|Lcd_Db1|Lcd_Db2|Lcd_Db3|Lcd_Db4|Lcd_Db5|Lcd_Db6|Lcd_Db7)

void Delay50ms(unsigned char val);

void init()

PINSEL0 |= 0x00000000; PINSEL1 |= 0x00000000; IODIR |= Lcd_Io_All; // Set Directions as an output port. IOCLR = Lcd_Io_All;
} void Lcd_Busy()
{ IODIR &= 0xFFEFFFFF; //Set Db7 bit as input port IOCLR = Lcd_Rs; IOSET = Lcd_Rw; while(IOPIN & Lcd_Db7) { IOSET = Lcd_En; Delay50ms(1); IOCLR = Lcd_En; Delay50ms(1); }
} void Send_Lcd(unsigned char command_data, unsigned char dat )

IODIR = Lcd_Io_All; IOCLR = Lcd_Db_All; if(dat & 0x01) { IOSET = Lcd_Db0; } if(dat & 0x02) { IOSET = Lcd_Db1; } if(dat & 0x04) { IOSET = Lcd_Db2; } if(dat & 0x08) { IOSET = Lcd_Db3; } if(dat & 0x10) { IOSET = Lcd_Db4; } if(dat & 0x20) { IOSET = Lcd_Db5; } if(dat & 0x40) { IOSET = Lcd_Db6; }
} if(dat & 0x80) { IOSET = Lcd_Db7; } //Delay50ms(1);

if(Lcd_Command == command_data) { IOCLR = Lcd_Rs; // RS = 0 for command } if(Lcd_Data == command_data) { IOSET = Lcd_Rs; // RS = 1 for data }

IOCLR = Lcd_Rw; // r/w ,w =0 for write IOSET = Lcd_En; // En pin H to L transition. Delay50ms(1); IOCLR = Lcd_En; //Delay50ms(2); Lcd_Busy();
} void Delay50ms(unsigned char val) { unsigned int j;unsigned char i,val1; for(;val>0;val--)

for(val1=5;val1>0;val1--) { for(j=0;j<1623;j++) { for(i=10;i>=1;i--); } }

int main()
{ unsigned char i; char array[] = "Dhaval"; init(); Delay50ms(4); Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x38); //8 bit,2 line,5x7 dots Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x0e); //set display and cursor Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x01); // clear the display Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x06); // Entry Mode Set Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x80); // Return Home while(1)

{ for(i=0;i<=5;i++) { Send_Lcd(Lcd_Data,array[i]); } Delay50ms(60);

Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x01); // clear the display Send_Lcd(Lcd_Command,0x02); // Return Home }

  • "Below i have shown my code can anybody figureout why this problem occurs."
    No, we can't read your code because you didn't take the time to read the posting instructions for code.

    Try again, and this time do read the information directly above the message input box.

  • "Below i have shown my code can anybody figureout why this problem occurs."
    No, we can't read your code because you didn't take the time to read the posting instructions for code.

    Try again, and this time do read the information directly above the message input box.
