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C166 Sentinel dongle insanity

Hi everyone,

I have a Keil C166 code + addon disk from a few years ago which was working just fine ("9.2000" is what it says on my disk). I foolishly tried to install a slightly newer version of the Keil toolset over my working copy, and now I have a problem I can't seem to fix. It seems the Keil tools are convinced that I have the Rainbow Sentinel dongle (which I don't, and never needed), and they will not run without it, even after several re-installs, registry searching and deleting, etc.

I'd really like to go back to the way things were. I was wondering if anyone has a better solution than reformatting my worstation?


  • Calvin,
    Suggest that you contact Tech Support. There was an earlier thread that I cannot locate that mentioned a couple of US packages got out that required a dongle where previously no dongle was required. Also, while seaching for the mentioned thread, I read where there will be no dongles on any future packages. I know that doesn't help you. Just thought I would mention in passing. Bradford

  • Calvin,
    Suggest that you contact Tech Support. There was an earlier thread that I cannot locate that mentioned a couple of US packages got out that required a dongle where previously no dongle was required. Also, while seaching for the mentioned thread, I read where there will be no dongles on any future packages. I know that doesn't help you. Just thought I would mention in passing. Bradford

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