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.a51 conversion help!

Hi all,
i have made a code in C language for my project Combinational lock using 80c51 micro controller and now i want to make .a51 assembler file of my code so that i'll be able to make .Hex file from it. what is the procedure to do this. please guide me in a best possible way!


  • The toolset for an 80C51 is C51, not C251.

    The best possible way is to build the HEX file directly from the C source code using the C51 toolchain. An intermediate assembler file and assembler invocation step is not required to generate a HEX file.

  • The toolset for an 80C51 is C51, not C251.

    The best possible way is to build the HEX file directly from the C source code using the C51 toolchain. An intermediate assembler file and assembler invocation step is not required to generate a HEX file.
