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ISR not being processed

Alright,so back to a problem that I have not visited for a while. You guys probably know me as the CAN guy by now but here is a synoposis of what I am attempting:

1. Implement a RTC application and transmit the time information using a CAN message.
2. Read an incoming CAN message that also has time information.
3. Extract time information from incoming message & reload RTC registers.
4. Load new information on outgoing CAN information.
For people who do not know what CAN is imagine frames divided into slots (each CAN frame has 8 slots or bytes, ofcourse their values in HEX)

I have the RTC part working. But for some reason my interrupt on incoming message does not seem to work. I would be grateful for any help. Below is the code for my interrupt:

//ISR to handle incoming can messages
void can_isr(void) interrupt XP0INT
        unsigned int i;
        for(i=0; i<=7; ++i)
                        CAN_OBJ[0].Data[i] = CAN_OBJ[1].Data[i];//stores all the bytes of incoming message into outgoing message
        CAN_OBJ[1].MCR = 0xF5FD; //reset MSGLST/CPUUPD,INTPND

        for(i=0; i<=7; ++i)
                        can_data[i] = CAN_OBJ[0].Data[i];//storing data from incoming into int array
        //storing new time value received from user's adjustment in the timer registers
        RTC.a = (can_data[0]*3600) + (can_data[1]*60);
        RTCL = RTC.rtcreg[0];//storing time value in s into the RTC registers
        RTCH = RTC.rtcreg[1]; //storing time value in s into the RTC registers
        current_day = can_data[2];
        current_month = can_data[3];

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