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Configure USB to be read as COM port

Hi, I'm using a 8051 MCU which comes with a USB dongle. My question is "How can I configure the USB to be read as a COM port?" Has anyone done it before? All I know is that I need to configure the USB as a Communication Class Device but how do I go about doing it? Any help is very much appreciated.

  • "So I'm trying here to see if anyone here has done it before."

    Why don't you code it by yourself?
    I don't have any experience on this chip.
    But at a glance, it is an usual USB engine.
    Nordic should have some USB example. Based on this example, you can port the implementations of CDC on other USB MCUs.

    You'll find many CDC implementations
    I posted one of them to SiLabs forum.
    USB CDC implementation for 'F32x
    USB CDC implementation query

    USB spec defines the behavior of USB engine (SIE) on the device in details. Then, the firmware code is much the same for '51, ARM, H8 or PIC, etc.

    If you are not familiar with USB implementation, it's a good opportunity to start it. I'll help you.

    BUT IN OTHER FORUM!!, which doesn't discard my post!
    Post it to


  • "So I'm trying here to see if anyone here has done it before."

    Why don't you code it by yourself?
    I don't have any experience on this chip.
    But at a glance, it is an usual USB engine.
    Nordic should have some USB example. Based on this example, you can port the implementations of CDC on other USB MCUs.

    You'll find many CDC implementations
    I posted one of them to SiLabs forum.
    USB CDC implementation for 'F32x
    USB CDC implementation query

    USB spec defines the behavior of USB engine (SIE) on the device in details. Then, the firmware code is much the same for '51, ARM, H8 or PIC, etc.

    If you are not familiar with USB implementation, it's a good opportunity to start it. I'll help you.

    BUT IN OTHER FORUM!!, which doesn't discard my post!
    Post it to

