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Ulink problem?

I've found two weird problem with ulink recently. Please share your experience on how to deal with it.

1. I used to use ulink to program flash and run my code for testing. Sometime the UV will show "Cannot stop ARM" when I press the "Download" button. It should not be a hardware problem such as bad cable becuase it was no problem last minute.

Sometimes pressing the "Download" button again can help and sometime need to reboot the target. Will my code has problem and ulink cannot reset it?

2. I find the delay between pressing "Download" button and poping out flash programming progress bar is getting longer and longer ( >5s ). I think initially it is my program getting larger. (6*64K is not big, I believe).

But today I find that a freshly installed PC do not have delay at all. Flash programming immediately start after I press "download" button.

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