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Watch Port0 and Port3 using Keil

We have to watch port0 and port3 to obtain the information about external data memory access using Keil.
However, the problem is that we can't see the change in port3(RD# or WR# should have changed) during external data memory access in the watch window of Keil.
Can we see the change of a VTR or an SFR in a machine circle?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
I'm waiting for the reply on line.

  • the problem is that we can't see the change in port3(RD# or WR# should have changed) during external data memory access in the watch window of Keil.
    of course not. A watch is between instructions, not during them


  • the problem is that we can't see the change in port3(RD# or WR# should have changed) during external data memory access in the watch window of Keil.
    of course not. A watch is between instructions, not during them

