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How to link existing OBJs ?

I met the "UNRESOLVED EXTERNAL SYMBOL" problem when I try to build a target in uVision2. The linker can't find the existing OBJ which I don't have the source. How can I send this OBJ file to link with others?
Thanks a lot!

  • When you choose 'Add Files to Group', one of the options in the 'Files of Type' drop-down list is "Object File (*.obj)"

    So you just add the .obj file to your project, and uVision knows to just link it - it won't try to compile or assemble it!

    You might want to create a separate Group called "Object Files" or something

    If your object file name has a different extension (not .obj) go to Project/File Extensions, Books and Environment and add the required extension in the 'Object File' box.

  • When you choose 'Add Files to Group', one of the options in the 'Files of Type' drop-down list is "Object File (*.obj)"

    So you just add the .obj file to your project, and uVision knows to just link it - it won't try to compile or assemble it!

    You might want to create a separate Group called "Object Files" or something

    If your object file name has a different extension (not .obj) go to Project/File Extensions, Books and Environment and add the required extension in the 'Object File' box.

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