Hi, i have these problem and searched fore different solutions but none worked for me, i will explain here.Environment:
The Keil program searches into C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\Keil\STM32H7xx_DFP\2.7.0\Flash\STM32H7xx.FLM, but the current FLM is into C:\Users\silvestros\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\Keil\STM32H7xx_DFP\2.7.0\CMSIS\Flash\STM32H7xx.FLMThings that I've tryed:
With some ST examples (with the relative keil project) I'm able to correctly flash the firmware, I cheched the debugger config and seems the same to my eyes.Don't know what else to do.Thanks