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MGD Unity App Fragment Count. Replay Frame, Modify Shader

Hello ARM Community!

Im trying to profile a game using MGD. I used the Adreno already for other GPU and the features im missing on MALI is changing the shader precision  (float, half. fixed) and editing the shader.  I read the PDF and looks like MGD have almost the same functionality as Adreno profiler but;

Fragment Count:

For the fragment it says to turn on Fragment Count, an icon that look like as a Pizza Graphic. That icon is always greyed out, it also say that "Total cycles will only be available for those frames where the fragment count analysis has been requested".

How im suppose to set up that using an Unity App?

Replaying a Frame:

For changing shader precision and editing shader i need to have Frame Replay enable, Frame replay with Capture. Those buttons are always greyed out.

I checked the limitations and still cant get it to work.

Textures and Frame Buffer;

They never load. is that normal?

This is an image that represent my problem


Appreciate any help!