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Getting EGL_BAD_DISPLAY while firing eglquerystring() from application

Hi Community,

I am building test suite for Open GL ES 2.0 with EGL support.When I run app ,i am getting above error while getting EGL extensions with API egl.querystring().

Anything I am missing here OR is it because of issue?

My platform is linux with x11 as window manager.

Let me know if you want more information



Message was edited by: vaibhav

  • Hi vaibhav810,

    I checked in our driver and in r5p1 EGL_EXT_platform_base was not yet implemented.

    If EGL_EXT_platform_base was implemented eglQueryString(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_EXTENSIONS) would have been a valid function call (see Additions third paragraph).

    The best way to solve your problem would be to follow myy answer and branch based on the output of the available symbols query.




  • Hi vaibhav810,

    I checked in our driver and in r5p1 EGL_EXT_platform_base was not yet implemented.

    If EGL_EXT_platform_base was implemented eglQueryString(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EGL_EXTENSIONS) would have been a valid function call (see Additions third paragraph).

    The best way to solve your problem would be to follow myy answer and branch based on the output of the available symbols query.




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