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Rendering using OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 in a zero copy mode on MALI T628


I am looking for example / articles on how to perform updates to an Open GL ES texture (without using low Performing glTexSubImage2D approach) in a zero copy approach.

I am currently focused on odroid XU3 with MALI  T628 running ubuntu.

I studied and tried eglcreateImageKHR approach without success (I cannot create an eglImage: error EGL_BAD_PARAMETER is returned when using EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHRas a target).

I read that MALI driver has support for UMP data transfer, but I still need a reference to the inner buffer in a openGL ES texture.

Any help needed


  • Hi,

    There has already been several threads posted about this issue, have you had a chance to search around for a potential solution?

    From a brief look at the specification, you need to ensure the device supports these two extensions at least:



    Can you confirm this is the case?

    Without more information about your error, for example a code snippet or reproducer, we can only give general advice.

    Hope it helps,

    Michael McGeagh

  • Hi,

    There has already been several threads posted about this issue, have you had a chance to search around for a potential solution?

    From a brief look at the specification, you need to ensure the device supports these two extensions at least:



    Can you confirm this is the case?

    Without more information about your error, for example a code snippet or reproducer, we can only give general advice.

    Hope it helps,

    Michael McGeagh
