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  • Note: This was originally posted on 26th March 2013 at

    If you ensure that your texture rendering is a 1:1 mapping with the screen pixels (i.e. middle of pixel = middle of texel, 1 texel exists for each pixel), then you probably don't need filters. As soon as you have any "3D" in the scene or a texture which does not have a 1:1 mapping then you will get some improvement in visual quality from filtering the texture samples.

  • Note: This was originally posted on 26th March 2013 at

    If you ensure that your texture rendering is a 1:1 mapping with the screen pixels (i.e. middle of pixel = middle of texel, 1 texel exists for each pixel), then you probably don't need filters. As soon as you have any "3D" in the scene or a texture which does not have a 1:1 mapping then you will get some improvement in visual quality from filtering the texture samples.

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